1 Loft
cell: pile of dirt, rusted spike, torch, dented large table, small wood
chest, pieces of rotting wood.
- Misc.- Overlapping scales of metal sewn to leather.,
- Furnishing - Bunks,
- Room Smells - Rotting Vegitation,
2 Library
antechamber: gauno, muddy bucket, unuseable candle, carafe, undamaged
couch, sofa, [OBJECT DISAPPEARS AS PLAYERS ENTER ROOM], blue concordance
Misc.- Overlapping scales of metal sewn to leather.,
Furnishing - Cabinet,
Trap in room - Gas Vent,
3 Chamber of Reptiles
- Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,
- Container - Silk Bag,
- Furnishing - Quilt,
- Room Smells - Stale,
4 Lounge
library: blunt javelin head, dusty caldron, black scroll on religion,
small bottle of perfume, brown study on mythomania, yellow monograph
pyrotechnics, [TRAP THAT EMITS A GAS THAT CAUSES NAUSEA], sandals, crushed
cask, jar of bear hair, broken arrow, black manual on magical fog, blue
opuscule on eradication.
Bit and Bridle
- Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,
5 Hall
- Misc.- Only used for attacks from front and side,
- Article of Clothing - Apron,
- Food Item - Evermead,
- Trap in room - Spring Noose,
6 Divination Room
bestiary: 1d6 cages, winter blanket, mace, red concordance on pyromancy,
hourglass, 100 foot roll of silk rope, amphora, undamaged screen, useable
bench, white chronicle on bedevilment, small basket, altar, fungi, dung
covered flask, chair, small table, pile of ashes, bits of fur, corroded
chain, badly dented helmet, grappling hook.
Alter Case
- Misc.- Similar to steel plate armor but heavier and provides less
7 Dining Room
- Air Properties - Damp, Slight, Breeze,
- Container - Silk Bag,
- Contents of Container - Ash,
- Room Smells - Manure,
8 Salon
- Misc.- Metal Rings sewn to leather armor.,
- Food Item - Tea,
- Miscelanious Item - Spectacle,
- Trap in room - Deadfall,
9 Tea Room
Tiny peices of broken crockery and china cover the floor
- Miscelanious Item - Hinge,
10 Butler's Room
chantry: round table, decanter, pile of straw, sofa, [TRAP THAT CONSISTS
OF A CORRODING SUBSTANCE], cobweb covered urn, scratched curtain, dung
covered sack, low table, slime covered side chair, trickle of water.
- Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,
- Container - Basket,
- Food Item - Olives,
11 Tea Room
- Misc.- Only used for attacks from front and side,
- Miscelanious Item - Matress,
- Room Smells - Dank and Mouldy,
- Trap in room - Fire Vent,
12 Hothouse
guardroom: bits of fur, gauno, blood covered arit sickle, slime covered
dais, muddy opi, scratched flyssa, crushed scourge, crushed ninjato,
branding irons, wall basin and font, bucket, vase, barrel, kopsh, dung
covered pail, small metal mirror, dusty flask.
- Misc.- Leather with metal with metal rivets,
- Food Item - Cheese,
12 Temple of Torm
- Misc.- Extremely heavy and encumbering armor. It is made to be worn
horseback or in a vehicle. Only with difficulty can one wearing this
move under his own power
- Article of Clothing - Shoes,
- Container - Crystal Vial,
13 Gardner's Room
- Misc.- Similar to steel plate armor but heavier and provides less
protection to projectiles and is more easily damaged.,
- Room Smells - Acid,
14 Bath
Bath: small bottle of perfume, dented lantern, crushed reliquary, scimitar,
broken brush, sack, [TRAP THAT EMITS A GAS THAT CAUSES NAUSEA], large
pouch, desk, plate, crimson jade rod with a picture of a snake, bullseye
lantern, wrought platinum dagger with a picture of a minotaur, exotic
diadem with a picture of a royal court, wall basin and font, soot covered
pouch, dented flagon, box of talc, scratched round table, flint and
soap.- Brazier
15 Store
- Misc.- Extremely heavy and encumbering armor. It is made to be worn
horseback or in a vehicle. Only with difficulty can one wearing this
move under his own power
- Food Item - Coffie,
- Miscelanious Item - Sofa,
16 Tea Room
gallery: tub, humming top, bronze statuette of a fighter, pile of twigs,
platinum statue of a tree, bronze statue of a theif, water-color painting
of a wedding, blue dictonary on haunting, wax drippings, zither, water-
color painting of a tree, ocarina, silver statue of a dolphin, [OBJECT
A QUESTION], platinum statue of a dragon, exotic wood statuette of a
powerful female warrior in battle, [SLOWING GAS TRAP], flask, altar,
statue of an astrologer.
17 Throne Room
- Misc.- Metal Strips over leather and chain
- Article of Clothing - Doublet,
- Container - Flask,
- Miscelanious Item - Organ,
18 Servant's Quarters
waiting room: 2d4 chairs, 100 foot roll of hemp rope, dung covered bowl,
[TRAP THAT EMITS A GAS THAT CAUSES NAUSEA], high stool, fire damaged
lantern, altar, round table, flask of lamp oil, small table, muddy flagon,
dusty gold goblets (2d4), pedestal, dagger hilt, rare wood coronet with
picture of a rat, lamp.
Eye Glasses
- Misc.- Metal Strips over leather and chain
19 Kitchen
divination room: high stool, jar of sugar, cage, pan, jar of dust, blue
volume on paralysis, rug, dish, jar of sulphur, pan, balance, unuseable
pegs, box of iron nails, desk, magnifying glass, box of insence sticks,
pile of ashes, pile of bone, black book on quiff summoning, bellows,
jar of
dust, [ILLUSIONARY FLOOR TRAP], trousers, box of mica chips, undamaged
hourglass, large wood chest, decanter, pottery shards, brown compilation
regeneration, broken mace, blue treatise on vitality, ladle, desk.
20 Seance Room
- Misc.- Extremely heavy and encumbering armor. It is made to be worn
horseback or in a vehicle. Only with difficulty can one wearing this
move under his own power
- Article of Clothing - Jerkin,
- Miscelanious Item - Cloth,
- Room Smells - Dank and Mouldy,
21 Entry Room
- Misc.- Overlapping scales of metal sewn to leather.,
- Container - Bowl,
- Furnishing - Closet,
- Sounds in the room - Grating,
- Trap in room - Nauseating Gas,
22 Harem
- Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,
- Container - Wood Box,
- Furnishing - Cresset,
- Miscelanious Item - Egg,
23 Cell
- Misc.- Extremely heavy and encumbering armor. It is made to be worn
horseback or in a vehicle. Only with difficulty can one wearing this
move under his own power
- Misc.- The Wasa of Fire Resistance It has this power: fire does half
damage to user when commanded. The magic command phrase is HODHYMP.
5d8 charges and costs 6d1000 Gold to recharge. The duration is one minute
per level. The Wasa of Fire Resistance can only be used by Wizards.
experience for first use is 280 EP. This weapon is +1 vs bards. ,
24 Vault
- Misc.- Riveted metal plates over most of body.,
- Food Item - Bitter Black Beer,
- Miscelanious Item - Chime Lamp,
- Room Smells - Rotting Vegitation,
25 Chamber of Reptiles
- Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,
- Container - Glass Bottle,
- Miscelanious Item - Carpet,
- Sounds in the room - Drumming,
26 Corner Gallery
- Misc.- Normal attire. Cloth only.,
- Container - Silk Bag,
- Miscelanious Item - Badly dented helmet,
- Sounds in the room - Buzzing,
27 Master Gallery
lounge: shelf, backpack, solid silver wand with a picture of a
swordmaster, block and tackle, bell, chamber pot, flint and steel, dung
covered bench, statue.
- Misc.- Extremely heavy and encumbering armor. It is made to be worn
horseback or in a vehicle. Only with difficulty can one wearing this
move under his own power
28 Dressing Room
- Misc.- Normal attire. Cloth only.,
- Container - Belt Pouch,
- Room Smells - Acid,
- Trap in room - One Way Door,
29 Utility
classroom: 2d10 chairs, 2d4 small tables, pick handle, 3d20 silver coins
in a small metal chest, red manual on theology, [SCYTHING BLADE TRAP],
broken rug, black compendium on infravision, black dictonary on hardness,
green tome on telepathy, curtain, slime covered trestle table, green
on plurality, blood covered basket.
- Misc.- Metal Strips over leather and chain
30 Gallery
- Misc.- Riveted metal plates over most of body.,
- Container - Pannier,
- Furnishing - Box,
- Miscelanious Item - Canvas,
- Trap in room - Falling Door,
31 Rumpus Room
- Misc.- Extremely heavy and encumbering armor. It is made to be worn
horseback or in a vehicle. Only with difficulty can one wearing this
move under his own power
- Article of Clothing - Vest,
- Furnishing - Large Cask,
32 Temple
robing room: mirror, 2d4 clothes pegs, spyglass, blood covered pantaloons,
soot covered chain mail armor, unuseable jerkin, dented sash, cobweb
covered jorum, brass chalise with a picture of a wizard, cobweb covered
hose, whistle, dusty pin, buskins, unuseable small wood shield, sash,
damaged slippers, brass armband with a picture of a prince, crimson
bell with a picture of a shepard, [MOLTEN LEAD TRAP], medium metal.
Cobwebs normal
33 State Room
- Misc.- Riveted metal plates over most of body.,
- Article of Clothing - Blouse,
- Container - Burlap Bag,
- Room Smells - Acid,
- Trap in room - Obscuring Gas,
34 Guardroom
chantry: small metal chest, cups (2d4), broken couch, badly dented shelf,
candlesticks, offertory container.
- Misc.- Leather with metal with metal rivets,
- Sounds in the room - Grunting,
35 Antechamber
conjuring room: 1d6 fishhooks, scratched lantern, orange cyclopedia
jewelry, jar of dust, white scroll on equipment, box of talc, jar of
graveyard dirt, magic circle, pile of twigs, jar of graveyard dirt,
of paper, acid damaged hogshead, jar of bone powder, dish, vase, red
on equipment, brazier, box of dried dung, horn, box of talc, box of
chips, tank, small metal chest, small silver mirror, spinet, tub.
Ceiling Cracks
36 Sanctum
- Misc.- Metal Strips over leather and chain
- Miscelanious Item - Fresco,
- Sounds in the room - Hissing,
37 Prison
banquet room: long table, pottery shards, mug, screen, [COVERED WITH
POSION THAT CAUSES SLEEP], dish, damaged mat, pan, crushed needle, dented
box, grater, red concordance on stinking fire, fork, flagon, decanter,
kettle, short ladder, broken painting, ewer, pan, pile of leaves, crushed
screen, cobweb covered wall basin and font, altar, dung stained thurible,
cup, fork.
38 Mead Hall
waiting room: 2d4 chairs, trestle table, fire damaged chair, bar of
dust covered hogshead, slime covered mirror, badly dented lantern, iron
pot, badly dented urn, reliquary, tub, dusty lantern, crushed dais,
scattered teeth, small table, high stool, useable urn, dented painting,
damaged bottle, cither, loom.
Bunk Beds
- Misc.- Quilted layers of cloth and batting. Hot!,
39 Bed Room
hall: flask of greek fire, chair, large table, long ladder, flask of
perfumed oil, scroll case, dust covered sack.
- Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,
- Article of Clothing - Surcoat,
- Container - Crystal Vial,
40 Sanctum
- Misc.- Leather with metal with metal rivets,
- Article of Clothing - Tunic,
- Container - Basket,
- Furnishing - Alter,
- Trap in room - Ceiling collapses,