1 Pool Room
pile of dirt, rusted spike, torch, dented large table, small wood
chest, pieces of rotting wood and rusted tools
Room Smells - Rotting Vegitation,
2 Library
- antechamber: unuseable candle, carafe, undamaged
couch, sofa,
- [OBJECT APPEARS AS PLAYERS ENTER ROOM], Furnishing - Bookshelves containing rotted wood pulp
- Monster: Rot Grub in wood pulp
- Trap in room - Gas Vent,
3 Chamber of Reptiles
- - Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,
- - Container - Silk Bag,
- - Furnishing - Quilt,
- - Room Smells - Stale,
4 Lounge
- library: blunt javelin head, dusty caldron, black scroll on religion,
- small bottle of perfume, brown study on mythomania, yellow monograph on
- pyrotechnics, [TRAP THAT EMITS A GAS THAT CAUSES NAUSEA], sandals, crushed
- cask, jar of bear hair, broken arrow, black manual on magical fog, blue
- opuscule on eradication.
- Bit and Bridle
- - Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,
5 Hall
- - Misc.- Only used for attacks from front and side,
- - Article of Clothing - Apron,
- - Food Item - Evermead,
- - Trap in room - Spring Noose,
6 Divination Room
- bestiary: 1d6 cages, winter blanket, mace, red concordance on pyromancy,
- hourglass, 100 foot roll of silk rope, amphora, undamaged screen, useable
- bench, white chronicle on bedevilment, small basket, altar, fungi, dung
- covered flask, chair, small table, pile of ashes, bits of fur, corroded
- chain, badly dented helmet, grappling hook.
- Alter Case
- - Misc.- Similar to steel plate armor but heavier and provides less
7 Dining Room
- - Air Properties - Damp, Slight, Breeze,
- - Container - Silk Bag,
- - Contents of Container - Ash,
- - Room Smells - Manure,
8 Salon
- - Misc.- Metal Rings sewn to leather armor.,
- - Food Item - Tea,
- - Miscelanious Item - Spectacle,
- - Trap in room - Deadfall,
9 Tea Room
- Tiny peices of broken crockery and china cover the floor
- - Miscelanious Item - Hinge,
10 Butler's Room
- chantry: round table, decanter, pile of straw, sofa, [TRAP THAT CONSISTS
- OF A CORRODING SUBSTANCE], cobweb covered urn, scratched curtain, dung
- covered sack, low table, slime covered side chair, trickle of water.
- Cordial
- - Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,
- - Container - Basket,
- - Food Item - Olives,
11 Tea Room
- - Misc.- Only used for attacks from front and side,
- - Miscelanious Item - Matress,
- - Room Smells - Dank and Mouldy,
- - Trap in room - Fire Vent,
12 Hothouse
- guardroom: bits of fur, gauno, blood covered arit sickle, slime covered
- dais, muddy opi, scratched flyssa, crushed scourge, crushed ninjato, adze,
- branding irons, wall basin and font, bucket, vase, barrel, kopsh, dung
- covered pail, small metal mirror, dusty flask.
- Clothing
- - Misc.- Leather with metal with metal rivets,
- - Food Item - Cheese,
12 Temple of Torm
- - Misc.- Extremely heavy and encumbering armor. It is made to be worn on
- horseback or in a vehicle. Only with difficulty can one wearing this armor
- move under his own power
- - Article of Clothing - Shoes,
- - Container - Crystal Vial,
13 Gardner's Room
- - Misc.- Similar to steel plate armor but heavier and provides less
- protection to projectiles and is more easily damaged.,
- - Room Smells - Acid,
14 Bath
- Bath: small bottle of perfume, dented lantern, crushed reliquary, scimitar,
- broken brush, sack, [TRAP THAT EMITS A GAS THAT CAUSES NAUSEA], large belt
- pouch, desk, plate, crimson jade rod with a picture of a snake, bullseye
- lantern, wrought platinum dagger with a picture of a minotaur, exotic wood
- diadem with a picture of a royal court, wall basin and font, soot covered
- pouch, dented flagon, box of talc, scratched round table, flint and steel,
- soap.- Brazier
15 Store
- - Misc.- Extremely heavy and encumbering armor. It is made to be worn on
- horseback or in a vehicle. Only with difficulty can one wearing this armor
- move under his own power
- - Food Item - Coffie,
- - Miscelanious Item - Sofa,
16 Tea Room
- gallery: tub, humming top, bronze statuette of a fighter, pile of twigs,
- platinum statue of a tree, bronze statue of a theif, water-color painting
- of a wedding, blue dictonary on haunting, wax drippings, zither, water-
- color painting of a tree, ocarina, silver statue of a dolphin, [OBJECT ASKS
- A QUESTION], platinum statue of a dragon, exotic wood statuette of a
- powerful female warrior in battle, [SLOWING GAS TRAP], flask, altar, gold
- statue of an astrologer.
- Chamber
17 Throne Room
- - Misc.- Metal Strips over leather and chain
- - Article of Clothing - Doublet,
- - Container - Flask,
- - Miscelanious Item - Organ,
18 Servant's Quarters
- waiting room: 2d4 chairs, 100 foot roll of hemp rope, dung covered bowl,
- [TRAP THAT EMITS A GAS THAT CAUSES NAUSEA], high stool, fire damaged
- lantern, altar, round table, flask of lamp oil, small table, muddy flagon,
- dusty gold goblets (2d4), pedestal, dagger hilt, rare wood coronet with a
- picture of a rat, lamp.
- Eye Glasses
- - Misc.- Metal Strips over leather and chain
19 Kitchen
- divination room: high stool, jar of sugar, cage, pan, jar of dust, blue
- volume on paralysis, rug, dish, jar of sulphur, pan, balance, unuseable
- pegs, box of iron nails, desk, magnifying glass, box of insence sticks,
- pile of ashes, pile of bone, black book on quiff summoning, bellows, jar of
- dust, [ILLUSIONARY FLOOR TRAP], trousers, box of mica chips, undamaged
- hourglass, large wood chest, decanter, pottery shards, brown compilation on
- regeneration, broken mace, blue treatise on vitality, ladle, desk.
- Canister
20 Seance Room
- - Misc.- Extremely heavy and encumbering armor. It is made to be worn on
- horseback or in a vehicle. Only with difficulty can one wearing this armor
- move under his own power
- - Article of Clothing - Jerkin,
- - Miscelanious Item - Cloth,
- - Room Smells - Dank and Mouldy,
21 Entry Room
- - Misc.- Overlapping scales of metal sewn to leather.,
- - Container - Bowl,
- - Furnishing - Closet,
- - Sounds in the room - Grating,
- - Trap in room - Nauseating Gas,
22 Harem
- - Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,
- - Container - Wood Box,
- - Furnishing - Cresset,
- - Miscelanious Item - Egg,
23 Cell
- - Misc.- Extremely heavy and encumbering armor. It is made to be worn on
- horseback or in a vehicle. Only with difficulty can one wearing this armor
- move under his own power
- - Misc.- The Wasa of Fire Resistance It has this power: fire does half
- damage to user when commanded. The magic command phrase is HODHYMP. Holds
- 5d8 charges and costs 6d1000 Gold to recharge. The duration is one minute
- per level. The Wasa of Fire Resistance can only be used by Wizards. The
- experience for first use is 280 EP. This weapon is +1 vs bards. ,
24 Vault
- - Misc.- Riveted metal plates over most of body.,
- - Food Item - Bitter Black Beer,
- - Miscelanious Item - Chime Lamp,
- - Room Smells - Rotting Vegitation,
25 Chamber of Reptiles
- - Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,
- - Container - Glass Bottle,
- - Miscelanious Item - Carpet,
- - Sounds in the room - Drumming,
26 Corner Gallery
- - Misc.- Normal attire. Cloth only.,
- - Container - Silk Bag,
- - Miscelanious Item - Badly dented helmet,
- - Sounds in the room - Buzzing,
27 Master Gallery
- lounge: shelf, backpack, solid silver wand with a picture of a
- swordmaster, block and tackle, bell, chamber pot, flint and steel, dung
- covered bench, statue.
- Cordial
- - Misc.- Extremely heavy and encumbering armor. It is made to be worn on
- horseback or in a vehicle. Only with difficulty can one wearing this armor
- move under his own power
28 Dressing Room
- - Misc.- Normal attire. Cloth only.,
- - Container - Belt Pouch,
- - Room Smells - Acid,
- - Trap in room - One Way Door,
29 Utility
- classroom: 2d10 chairs, 2d4 small tables, pick handle, 3d20 silver coins
- in a small metal chest, red manual on theology, [SCYTHING BLADE TRAP],
- broken rug, black compendium on infravision, black dictonary on hardness,
- green tome on telepathy, curtain, slime covered trestle table, green tract
- on plurality, blood covered basket.
- Cape
- - Misc.- Metal Strips over leather and chain
30 Gallery
- - Misc.- Riveted metal plates over most of body.,
- - Container - Pannier,
- - Furnishing - Box,
- - Miscelanious Item - Canvas,
- - Trap in room - Falling Door,
31 Rumpus Room
- - Misc.- Extremely heavy and encumbering armor. It is made to be worn on
- horseback or in a vehicle. Only with difficulty can one wearing this armor
- move under his own power
- - Article of Clothing - Vest,
- - Furnishing - Large Cask,
32 Temple
- robing room: mirror, 2d4 clothes pegs, spyglass, blood covered pantaloons,
- soot covered chain mail armor, unuseable jerkin, dented sash, cobweb
- covered jorum, brass chalise with a picture of a wizard, cobweb covered
- hose, whistle, dusty pin, buskins, unuseable small wood shield, sash,
- damaged slippers, brass armband with a picture of a prince, crimson jade
- bell with a picture of a shepard, [MOLTEN LEAD TRAP], medium metal.
- Cobwebs normal
33 State Room
- - Misc.- Riveted metal plates over most of body.,
- - Article of Clothing - Blouse,
- - Container - Burlap Bag,
- - Room Smells - Acid,
- - Trap in room - Obscuring Gas,
34 Guardroom
- chantry: small metal chest, cups (2d4), broken couch, badly dented shelf,
- candlesticks, offertory container.
- Coverlet
- - Misc.- Leather with metal with metal rivets,
- - Sounds in the room - Grunting,
35 Antechamber
- conjuring room: 1d6 fishhooks, scratched lantern, orange cyclopedia on
- jewelry, jar of dust, white scroll on equipment, box of talc, jar of
- graveyard dirt, magic circle, pile of twigs, jar of graveyard dirt, sheet
- of paper, acid damaged hogshead, jar of bone powder, dish, vase, red tome
- on equipment, brazier, box of dried dung, horn, box of talc, box of mica
- chips, tank, small metal chest, small silver mirror, spinet, tub.
- Ceiling Cracks
36 Sanctum
- - Misc.- Metal Strips over leather and chain
- - Miscelanious Item - Fresco,
- - Sounds in the room - Hissing,
37 Prison
- banquet room: long table, pottery shards, mug, screen, [COVERED WITH A
- POSION THAT CAUSES SLEEP], dish, damaged mat, pan, crushed needle, dented
- box, grater, red concordance on stinking fire, fork, flagon, decanter,
- kettle, short ladder, broken painting, ewer, pan, pile of leaves, crushed
- screen, cobweb covered wall basin and font, altar, dung stained thurible,
- cup, fork.
38 Mead Hall
- waiting room: 2d4 chairs, trestle table, fire damaged chair, bar of soap,
- dust covered hogshead, slime covered mirror, badly dented lantern, iron
- pot, badly dented urn, reliquary, tub, dusty lantern, crushed dais, vase,
- scattered teeth, small table, high stool, useable urn, dented painting,
- damaged bottle, cither, loom.
- Bunk Beds
- - Misc.- Quilted layers of cloth and batting. Hot!,
39 Bed Room
- hall: flask of greek fire, chair, large table, long ladder, flask of
- perfumed oil, scroll case, dust covered sack.
- Chemise
- - Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,
- - Article of Clothing - Surcoat,
- - Container - Crystal Vial,
40 Sanctum
- - Misc.- Leather with metal with metal rivets,
- - Article of Clothing - Tunic,
- - Container - Basket,
- - Furnishing - Alter,
- - Trap in room - Ceiling collapses,