1 Royal Appartment


office: desk, chair, dagger hilt, large puddle of water, slime covered

tapestry, oil lamp, glass bottle, broken large chest, jug, orange

publication on mathematics, sconce, useable shelf, quiver, slime covered

bucket, sheet of parchment, low table, fountain, square table, pile of

twigs, puncheon. Dried blood.

- Misc.- Extremely heavy and encumbering armor. It is made to be worn on


2 Robing Room


entry room: 2d4 clothes pegs, scrathes on wall, cobweb covered wall

sconce, candelabra, trunk, cobweb covered hassock, pile of rubble, chains,

cobweb covered sofa, pile of small stones, damaged oil lamp, dust covered

fountain, hourglass, dusty skeel, undamaged idol, urn, [COLLAPSING STAIRS

TRAP], thearbo, barrel, damaged mace, useable crate, huge pot, badly dented



3 Closet


- Misc.- Vertical metal strips sewn to leather,

- Article of Clothing - Breeches,

- Furnishing - Bed,

- Room Smells - Earthy,


4 Cleric


- Contents of Container - Adrue,

- Furnishing - Prayer rug,

- Miscelanious Item - Grappling Hook,


5 Music Room


- Misc.- Riveted metal plates over most of body.,


6 Nannie's Room


- Misc.- Metal Strips over leather and chain


7 Nursery


- Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,

- Furnishing - Blanket,


8 Bed Room


- Misc.- Vertical metal strips sewn to leather,

- Article of Clothing - Riding BOots,

- Miscelanious Item - Kettle,

- Trap in room - Visual Lure,



9 Rumpus Room


- Misc.- Metal Strips over leather and chain

- Article of Clothing - Elf Shoes,

- Trap in room - Resisting Door,


10 Pantry


- Misc.- Leather with metal with metal rivets,

- Container - Snuff Box,

- Sounds in the room - Scuttling,

- Trap in room - Flooding Room,


11 Corner Gallery


- Misc.- Metal Strips over leather and chain

- Furnishing - Fireplace with mantle,


12 Linen


- Misc.- Lighter and soundproof version of chain. Elvin chain makes little

noise and does not encumber the wearer.

- Room Smells - Dank and Mouldy,


13 Domo's Room


cell: large table, large metal chest, broken sack, [ARROW TRAP], fire

damaged hassock, chopper.



- Misc.- Metal Rings sewn to leather armor.,

- Trap in room - Acit Vent,


14 Bed Room


- Misc.- Vertical metal strips sewn to leather,

- Container - Stone Box,

- Food Item - Eyed Cheese,

- Room Smells - Rotting Vegitation,

- Trap in room - Spear Trap,


15 Museum


bestiary: 1d6 cages, 100 foot roll of silk rope, loom, soot covered vest,

rotten rope, signet ring, musnud, long table, ewer, whetstone.




- Misc.- Metal Strips over leather and chain


- Room Smells - Manure,

- Sounds in the room - bellowing,


16 Minor Gallery


- Misc.- Non-specific magical,

- Furnishing - Charcoal,


17 Scullery Maid


- Misc.- Normal attire. Cloth only.,

- Article of Clothing - Under Clothes,

- Miscelanious Item - Tiara,

- Room Smells - Salt Air,

- Trap in room - Animal Trap,


18 Servant's Quarters


barracks: 2d4 bunks, small barrel, fetters, useable small table, short

sword, undamaged comb, bits of fur, [GUILLOTINE TRAP], verdun, tapestry,

wall basin and font, trunk, sideboard, rusted caltrops, useable wall basin

and font, tapestry, dalwel, dusty wall basin and font, hat, 1d100+20 feet

of heavy chain, dung covered small table, ayda katti, [FEAR GAS TRAP],

useable bastard sword.



19 Reception Hall


- Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,

- Room Smells - Fetid,


20 Cell


cell: high stool, cresset, bronze statuette of an assassin, thongs, slime

covered vestments, dented jug, map case. Bracer.

- Misc.- Interlocking links of metal formed into shirt and leggings


- Furnishing - Quilt,


21 Salon


- Misc.- Normal attire. Cloth only.,

- Article of Clothing - Belt,

- Miscelanious Item - Slipper,

- Room Smells - Putrid,

- Sounds in the room - Slamming,


22 Chapel


- Misc.- Lighter and soundproof version of chain. Elvin chain makes little

noise and does not encumber the wearer.


- Container - Backpack,

- Sounds in the room - Rustling,


23 Cleric


- Air Properties - Misty,

- Contents of Container - Birch (Whith Birch),

- Furnishing - Curtains,

- Personal Item - Caqe,

- Room Smells - Acid,


24 Minor Gallery


crypt: 2d8 coffins, dust, muddy 1d8 pegs, signal whistle, lamp, wrought

platinum bell with a picture of a fisherman, acid damaged tub, war club,

candle, ivory statuette of a powerful female warrior in battle, low table,

acid damaged altar, couch, torn sack, 1d100 silver coins in a small metal

chest, parchement, firkin.




- Misc.- Lighter and soundproof version of chain. Elvin chain makes little


25 Mess Hall


observatory: shelf, keg, small wood chest, [FALLING CAGE TRAP], round

table, flask of cooking oil, damp wall, torn sack, wax drippings, crystal

pendant, [ILLUSIONARY FLOOR TRAP], flask of lamp oil. Fan.

- Misc.- Metal Strips over leather and chain

- Furnishing - Bed,


26 Audience Room


audience room: small metal mirror, red study on elemental evil, muddy

dukn, luris pedang, useable dha, blood covered tapestry, short sword, dust

covered mategrifon, useable pira, [SLOWING GAS TRAP].




- Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,

- Article of Clothing - Night SHirt,

- Room Smells - Salt Air,


27 Dining Room


audience room: slimy coating on floor, long table, colichemarde, violet

study on thieving, two-handed sword, basket, green supplement on theology,

yellow compilation on variegation, gray history on relief, red monograph on

absorbtion, barrel, short sword, parang nabur, dung covered desk.


Common fungus


- Contents of Container - Amaranth (Cockscomb),

- Miscelanious Item - Clover,


28 Mage


conjuring room: small sack, [SLIDING ROOM TRAP], dish, flask, blue report

on gaseous form, bowl, stand, damaged warhammer, jug, yellow volume on

tongues, small puddle of water, jar of bat fur, black composition on

ensnarement, round table, bottle, jar of dust, jar of bear hair, broken

arrow, jar of ape hair, pile of crystals, grill, dirk, kettle, spatula,

1d100+20 feet of light chain, jar of powdered silver, jar of oil, mortar

and pestle, vial of mercury. Canister.

29 Banquet Room


banquet room: long table, vial of perfume, tankard, box, platter, spoon,

bottle, tinderbox, mug, tinderbox, useable tankard, kettle, saucer, tray,

kettle, sifter, 1d6 fishhooks. Broach.

- Misc.- Metal Rings sewn to leather armor.,

- Trap in room - Poison Gas,


30 Dining Hall


- Misc.- Riveted metal plates over whole body.,

- Furnishing - Large Cask,

- Room Smells - Salt Air,


31 Waiting Room


waiting room: 2d4 chairs, 100 foot roll of hemp rope, dung covered bowl,

[TRAP THAT EMITS A GAS THAT CAUSES NAUSEA], high stool, fire damaged

lantern, altar, round table, flask of lamp oil, small table, muddy flagon,

dusty gold goblets (2d4), pedestal, dagger hilt, rare wood coronet with a

picture of a rat, lamp.




- Misc.- Interlocking links of metal formed into shirt and leggings


32 Mess Hall


- Misc.- Similar to steel plate armor but heavier and provides less

protection to projectiles and is more easily damaged.,

- Food Item - Prunes,

- Trap in room - Fear Gas,


33 Study


observatory: scattered teeth, bell, cups (2d4), blood covered fountain,

damaged dais, trestle table, muddy rug, firkin, [OBJECT SINGS], small sack,

[BLADE TRAP], sheet of papyrus, broken soap, iron maden, fountain, crushed

fountain, 1d6 fishhooks, broken sword blade, one leather boot, low table,

candle, box, throwing axe. Circlet.

- Misc.- Shaped and Hardened leather over whole body,