The LAST adventure...
6 - White Dragons attack. They emerge 600' from party they close at 100' per rnd!
Round 6 - Des-F.Ball , Gal-haste on all, Ino-FBall, Kilana-barkskin on self, Tbin lands and runs fwd, Phanto goes etherial, Tol-recitation, ,Vict-devine strike, Alad-Sings of courage, mal-fball
Round 5 - Des-FBall, Gal-Sphere of UDest, Kilana - Bark Skin, Ino-FBall, Phant-goes PM
Round 4 - Ino-GreatInvis,  Phanto-EnergyRes.Fire, Dragon B burrows and hides watiing for the party to go past him so he can attach them from behind.
Round 3 - Phanto goes etherial, Tolgar-res. superior,
Round 2 - phanto goes PM, tolgar-hide f undead on kilak,
Round 1 - Des-Dragon Sight, Phanto-f.path, mal-keen blade on Des
Round 0 - Ino-Prayer, Tolgar-daylight on rock
Round A - Ino-Entropic sh.,  Phanto z - Control Winds,
Round B - Gal - Mirror image, Tobin-Weakeng touch, Des-OrbOForce, Tolgar-turn,
Round C - Gal-Bril. Aura,  Aladria-Great Invis.
Winterwight -
A - Virarlimew - 362 - Wall of Ice, on the ground
B - 342 - Breath weaopon, flying x
Two of the Winterweights begin their attack while 4 Frost Worms move in
Frost Worm    A 142 - 24 (indicated burrowing by blue marks),    
B 165 - 22,      
C 142 - 16,      
WinterWeight   214 - 15 
Round D - Des-BlinkGreater,  Tobin-Wholness,  Aladrea-Sionging of courage,  Tolgar-Owl Wisdom mass,
Round E - Phant-ArcLightning
Round F - same battle
Round G - the battle continues. There is only 1 worm up at the end of theround
Round H - 2 of the Winterwights take up position 80' in front of the party.
Round I - They will reach the Winterweights - They moved forward
Round J - The Winterwight continues
Round K - The one Winterwight continues to attack! The kill the last one.
Round L - Lots of healing. They move 30' forward. Phanto goes etherial on his stag.
They are in the blizzard and fighting things. I'm not going to change anything from last week so we can get started quickly.
Frost Worms
A 142 - 24 (indicated burrowing by blue marks),    - They leave this one behind It will follow
214 - 21x                                 208 - 23x 
Xixecal - 1676
-50 Vict F Stike, Phanto-Langour, -3-30 Phanto
Hoary Hunter - 812                   Steed -108
1.5 min since last battle
HHunter-30, pha-27,   Pi, Tim-26, Vict-25, Xix,Des-24,  Mal-20, Kilak, Zoe-19 Ariel-18, Gal-16, Aladria-13, Kil, Tol-11
Round 1 - Vict-assay spell resist, F. Strike 50,
Xix steps over them and continues on without stopping.
Round 2 -Phato -Rev.Gravity, Pi, Tim,
Round 3 - Vict-Destruct,
Round 4 - Vict D.Door ariel, aladria, Klilak, Time vict, ariel, Gal-D.Door w/pi,kialana, malchor, des, Tol , zoe both travell 1000'
He moves 400' and they move with the D Door 600' ahead.
Round 5 - 600' away-
He does a spell to summon another White Dragon it takes 3 rounds to complete.
Round 6 - They do their D Door spell. Phanto goes Etherial and is 10' away, 
Round 7 - Phanto pops out casts a spell - it doesn't work and they are waiting on what to do.
Round 8 - Tolgar-earthquake, Des-E.Orb of Force,
Round 9 - The Hoary Hunter rolls 30 for it's inititivle after being summonded by Xix.Phanto-F.Strike he rejoins the party.
Phanto  sees the Hoary Hunter will attack next round. This round, the Xix summoned it.
Its 3 minutes from the start of the last game. They are 15 mi N of Neverwinter. He will reach it in 10 hours at dragon/Hoary Hunter speed or 1 hour at full screen.
Hoary Hunter - 812                   Steed -108
- 290 from last week
Phanto  sees the Hoary Hunter will attack next round. This round, the Xix summoned the dragon.
The Hoary Hunter attacks Next round the dragon 2 rounds after now.
He is 300' away and the party has 1 round before he will reach them at flank speed.

Round 1 They talk and plan
Round 2 - Hoary Hunter does a fly by and hits phanto, Des-Message to Vit, Phan, Tolgar, Gal, Inoy.
Aladria begins to sing a song courage, XIX Does a Control wind to blow the party away.